The Art Of Modern Surrender

The word surrender can have negative connotations because in some cases people associate it with weakness or losing. If you check out Merriam Webster’s simple definition you might see why. “to agree to stop fighting, hiding, resisting, etc., because you know that you will not win or succeed” This is the definition most of us
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Where Are Your Power Leaks?

It is an interesting question to ask because most of us don’t often think about how, when, and with whom we feel empowered or conversely when we become disempowered, or experience a power leak. I have to be honest, I pose the question because I found myself feeling pretty disempowered lately and began to reflect

How To Listen Empathetically

Those of you who know me know that I LOVE to talk. As a teacher, facilitator, and coach, there are days when I talk for something like 8 hours a day! Well, as fate would have it, I had a lesson to learn this past week and as a result I lost my voice! Now,
What is your theme this year? This a word or phrase that you commit to incorporating in to everything you do. Whether it is your health and fitness, your career, your relationship, or your personal growth this word or phrase is like your beacon or north star and keeps you on your path.
This week we consider the importance of knowing who is in your tribe! These are the people that you can count on to hold you up when you can’t stand on your own. Watch today’s video on why community is so important!
So often, we know that we have behaviors or beliefs that aren’t serving us but we won’t give them up because we have something to gain…or so we think. What if you could have the benefit without the problem? Check out today’s video. If you enjoy it, subscribe to the channel, share it with someone