As Jim Morrison wrote, “No one gets out of here alive.” You’ve got one life, and it’s short. Enjoy it. It is possible to take something seriously, be focussed, and still inject some fun and humor into it.
I share this with you in the spirit of total transparency because I realized that I haven’t been having enough fun. I have been super focussed and disciplined (both good things to be) and somewhere in there, I started taking things way too seriously and forgot to laugh and enjoy the process.
Given that fun is a super high value of mine in just about every area of my life, I knew that had to change and fast! So, I asked myself 2 things.
1. How can create a little more time and space to let my hair down and have fun?
2. How can I bring an element of fun into everything I do whether I love it or it’s just something that has to get done?
Now, I don’t have a lot of time, so I had to get creative. A short coffee date with a friend in the middle of a crazy day, yoga/run dates with people I love, belting showtunes while driving in traffic, even just sitting outside while I work…you get the idea. It wasn’t much but it is amazing how when I started weaving in just a little fun, my productivity actually increased and everything started to feel a little easier.
So, my question for you is, could you be having more fun?
Not sure where to start? I wasn’t either and even if you don’t have time to commit to extracurricular activities, don’t stress it, there are so many ways to enjoy the moment and bring fun into everyday activities.
Begin looking at your daily rituals and lighten them up a bit! Sing in the shower. Dance while getting dressed. Do partner push ups with your SO.
Whatever it is that makes you smile- do a little more of that! Honestly, you can bring play and fun into just about anything. How will you do it this week?