What do you value? When digging deep, whether it be to effect change within ourselves, our relationships or our goals it always starts with, what do you value? But what are they really? They are not only how we determine what is really important to us, they are actually our deepest level programming. Our values

Responding Versus Reacting…

    Lately I have been pondering a lot on the notion of responding versus reacting. Much of our time is spent reacting to situations around us, without even realizing that it may not always be in the best interest of our true self. Many times it can make the situation worse, which brokers the

Goal Smarter Not Harder…

  Wow friends! I cannot believe it is already February! So much has happened so far this year and it’s a good time to check in. Many of us performed the ritual of setting our New Year’s intentions, how is it going?  If you followed the process of making space, finding your purpose and setting

Can I Really Empower You?

Can I really empower you? I speak a lot about empowerment. My Instagram handle says I am an empowerment coach. But what does that really mean? Empowerment is not something I can give you. I won’t be able to meet with you and leave you with the gift of empowerment. However, I can help guide

Lovin’ the Process…

You know that feeling you get when you achieve something really amazing? Elation, excitement, joy. We strive for these feelings when setting our fitness goals. However, many times the process can feel daunting, or as one person told me like jumping through land mines! For some the unpleasantness of the process, or our limiting beliefs
When we place our focus on our heart’s desire and remain focussed on it, incredible things begin to happen. They may seem insignificant or even like simple coincidences but when we look back we can see they were key to our success. We may meet someone or come across a book or be steered in
I was recently working with a client in a Radical Deep Dive Breakthrough Session and was re-acquainted with an amazing truth of the unconscious mind. I am sure it was no accident that it came up when it did because it has been something I needed a reminder of myself!
I am going to be real with you, I woke up this morning knowing that I have been in a bit of a funk lately. Even though I wanted to crawl back under the covers, I got my pup ready for a walk and headed out. Just as I was about to start in on
What are your goals, visions, and aspirations? What do you think is standing in your way? I often ask myself these very same questions. Given that this is about when many of us fall off the wagon with our new year’s resolutions, it is a good time to reconnect with your vision for the year
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We all have negative habits we wish we could break and more empowering ones we would like to incorporate into our daily lives. As we explore both sides of that coin, let’s first  look at what a habit is and how it is formed.  From there, how to break the habits that don’t serve us, and