There’s a book I love called the The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.
In it he talks about the importance of doing things everyday that move you forward on your path to your goal. They don’t have to be huge, in fact it is the little things done with consistency over time that make the biggest difference.
As he says, they are “easy to do, and just as easy not to do.” Success is a daily practice. I know that sometimes it can feel challenging and, it is in those moments when we are most challenged, that the daily practices are most important.
When an unexpected obstacle shows up or there is a massive loss or big transition, it can be tempting to fall away from our daily routines and commitments.
We can even use those moments as reasons or excuses not to do what we know is in our best interest. It is exactly in those times, that recommitting and reconnecting to our bigger purpose and the bigger why is crucial.
As I go through my own time of transition with the loss of my dad, I can attest to it. There have been days when I “just don’t feel like it”. But I will tell you that it is especially on those days that getting my workout in or doing that daily meditation have been my saving grace.
Being gentle with yourself is important and you can do that and still stay consistent when you connect to that bigger reason why what you are doing matters to you.
Everyday will be different, sometimes you will take massive action, sometimes it will be a step. But no matter how big or small the action is, it adds up over time.
Acknowledge yourself for staying in the game and trust that your focus, patience and perseverance will pay off.