You know that feeling you get when you achieve something really amazing? Elation, excitement, joy.
We strive for these feelings when setting our fitness goals. However, many times the process can feel daunting, or as one person told me like jumping through land mines!
For some the unpleasantness of the process, or our limiting beliefs can deter us from achieving our hearts desire.
But It doesn’t have to feel this way. We can learn to fall in love with the process and gain that same sense of euphoria moving through it as we do at the end of it.
The trick is to shift our negative filter of it to a positive one.
One of the biggest ways to do this… do things you actually enjoy!
Don’t satisfy other people’s ideas of yourself. Perhaps your partner loves running those marathons, or your friends are all on a new spin kick.
It’s great to step out of your comfort zone, and if it is not for something you are passionate about you will naturally pull away from it because it is out of sync with your true self.
And remember to reward yourself. Not only for when you reach your goal, but at small milestones along the way.
Now go enjoy the ride and not just the destination.