When we place our focus on our heart’s desire and remain focussed on it, incredible things begin to happen.
They may seem insignificant or even like simple coincidences but when we look back we can see they were key to our success. We may meet someone or come across a book or be steered in some unexpected direction that provides us with some insight, knowledge, or guidance along the way.
What can trip us up is if we encounter something that feels like an obstacle. If we get too focussed on that which seems to have come between us and our goal, we can lose our way, get discouraged or even quit.
If however we can recognize that “obstacle” as something that indicates we are in fact just getting closer to our intended destination and reframe it as opportunity it allows for flexibility. We can then simply adjust and adapt.
So maintain that laser like focus on your intention, be willing to switch things up and release your attachment to how you pictured getting there and allow all that you desire and deserve to manifest and come to fruition.
From my heart to yours,
Namaste and have a great week!