What is your theme this year?
This a word or phrase that you commit to incorporating in to everything you do. Whether it is your health and fitness, your career, your relationship, or your personal growth this word or phrase is like your beacon or north star and keeps you on your path.
So, what is your theme going to be this year?
Mine is massive expansion. What I mean by that is not only my commitment to expanding my impact with the work I do in coaching and teaching resilience but also living in a state of expansion.
You see, I am of the school of thought that all human emotions can be boiled down to just 2.
Love is anything that feels expansive, joyful, and uplifting.
Fear is all the stuff that makes you feel bogged down, constricted, contracted, and depleted.
So, I ask you, where do you wish to reside?
My hope is that you answered with a resounding “LOVE!”
When you are motivated by love versus fear, not only does it energetically feel better, it actually has an impact on your physiology.
A big fan of Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Beliefs I love his explanation of how your physical body actually can’t be in growth and protection mode simultaneously. When your stress response mechanisms are turned on, the other systems of the body shut down. This means digestion, immune function, and even your ability to think clearly are compromised.
So, throughout your day, take time to pause and ask yourself if you feel expansive and open (love) or constricted and closed (fear). If the answer is the latter,
- breath
- soften
- acknowledge your feelings
…and allow yourself to journey back to love.
It takes practice and learning how to accept and then LET GO! I wish it was as easy as wanting it and consciously willing it away.
That can work over time, but there are amazing tools and techniques now that will accelerate that process exponentially. It is about tapping into the stuff that lies beneath the surface. The stuff of the UNCONSCIOUS mind. As a master practitioner of NLP (neurolinguistic programming), hypnotherapy, and MER (Mental and Emotional Release Therapy) I have seen people let go of all their anger, sadness, hurt, guilt, and yes FEAR.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to release the crap that is holding you back and keeping your paralyzed and to do it in a few days rather than a few years? That is the power of the mind. That is the power of resilience.
You are in the right place! Let’s connect and make your theme in 2016 one of LOVE!
From my heart to yours expansively!